An Introduction to the Awards
Championed by the Government, the HKAI was launched in 2005 by merging the former Hong Kong Awards for Industry and Hong Kong Awards for Services, established in 1989 and 1997 respectively.
The HKAI aims to recognise the outstanding performance and achievements of Hong Kong enterprises in enhancing their competitiveness in various aspects.
Hong Kong Awards for Industries (HKAI) – Consumer Product Design
Each year the Design Council of Hong Kong organises the annual Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Consumer Product Design Award. The competition is recognised as the most prestigious product design competition in Hong Kong. A Grand Award is presented as the most outstanding entry each year
Federation of Hong Kong Industries
To promote and recognise the importance of product design in Hong Kong, and to encourage local entrepreneurs to improve the design, research and development of their products.
Eligible entries should be consumer products or consumer-related products (i.e. Consumer Products designed for personal use and living purpose (e.g. home, lifestyle, leisure, health, sports, etc.), other product not for personal use and living purpose (e.g. technician equipment / tool, highway lighting, electronic display for exhibition, etc.) shall not be accepted), wholly or partly a Hong Kong design. Design firms, trading companies or agents can enter the competition with the permission of the above products’ proprietary right owners.
Products submitted must be newly designed and in production, and preferably have not been on the market for more than 2 years.
Application will not be accepted if it is submitted in the name of an individual instead of a company or an organisation. Besides, the applicant must be a Hong Kong registered company / organisation or possess a valid Hong Kong Business Registration Certificate.
The Award will not be open to departments / agencies of the HKSAR Government. The restriction however does not cover public-funded or non-governmental statutory institutions (like universities).
(The Organiser reserves the right to make the final decision on the eligibility of entrants.)
Product Nature
Most of the consumer products or consumer-related products are basically eligible to enter (i.e. Consumer Products designed for personal use and living purpose (home, lifestyle, leisure, health, sports, etc.), such as:
- Computer-related Products;
- Electronic Products;
- Electrical Products;
- Toys;
- Jewellery, Watches & Clocks;
- Clothing & Fashion Accessories;
- Furniture & Household Products, etc
Judging Criteria & Assessment
Followings are the primary factors for assessment:
- Design (Esthetic / Functional)
- Quality
- Environmental
- Marketability
- Usefulness of functions
- Innovation
- Safety
The above judging criteria are provided for reference only and do not follow in the order of importance. Other criteria such as price, market shares, user-friendliness, contribution to society etc. will also be considered where appropriate.
For further details regarding Hong Kong Awards for Industries, please visit:
香港設計委員會每年舉行“香港工商業獎 : 消費產品設計”比賽。比賽公認為香港最高水平的設計獎項。為彰顯獎項的殊榮,大會每年只會頒發一個大獎予最出色的產品設計作品。
參賽的消費產品或與消費者有關的產品〔即設計的消費產品是用於個人用途及生活(例如家居、品味、休閒、健康、體育等),其他產品不是用於個人用途及生活(例如技術員儀器 / 工具、路燈、展覽用電子屏幕等)不會接受申請〕,必須全部或部份是香港的設計。設計公司、貿易公司或代理商如得到上述產品的公司同意,均可代表參加。
所有參賽報名必須以公司或機構名義參加。以私人名義參加者,恕不接受。另外,參賽者必須是香港註冊公司 / 機構或擁有香港商業登記証。
政府部門 / 機構不可參加香港工商業獎。資助機構或非政府部門法定機構(例如大學)則不在此限。
- 電腦有關產品;
- 電子產品;
- 電器產品;
- 玩具;
- 首飾鐘錶;
- 服裝及服裝配襯品;
- 傢俬及家居用品等等。
- 設計(外觀 / 功能)
- 品質
- 環保
- 市場銷售性
- 功能之實際用途
- 創新性
- 安全性
如欲進一步查詢香港工商業獎,請瀏覽 .
Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Consumer Product Design Awardees Brochure in past years
香港工商業獎: 消費產品設計獎歷屆得獎刊物

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