About BS
Design companies and manufacturing firms make up a significant portion of Hong Kong’s economy. Some businesses are able to weather the current economic conditions by developing and lever-aging on their soft skills. A collaboration between the design and manufacturing industries will create a strong brand presence for Hong Kong and at the same time increase its value to customers.This project offers design and manufacturing companies an avenue to leverage on its resources and surroundings. The programme comprises (i) a collaboration programme with Association for Cre-ative Education and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (Mainland - Guangdong); (ii) brand-new collaboration projects in SZ and CD; (iii) pavilions at China (SZ) International Cultural Industries Fair in May 2018 and Chengdu Creativity & Design Week (CCDW) in November 2018; (iv) six-month product showrooms in SZ and CD; and (v) monthly networking workshops and seminars in SZ and CD.
關於 BS
設計界別與製造廠商可充分利用項目所提供的渠道如資源和環境推廣,當中包括(i)與創意教育協會及香港駐粵經濟貿易辦事處的合作; (ii)深圳及成都的全新協作項目; (iii)2018年5月中國(深圳)國際文化產業博覽會及2018年11月成都創意設計周(CCDW)展館; (iv)深圳及成都為期各6個月的產品陳列室,以跨地域、跨界別的協作為本,集結業界展示品牌合作故事; 以及(v)於深圳及成都產品陳列室每月舉辦的商務網絡工作坊及研討會。
1: To simultaneously promote the design industry in HK & HK’s manufacturing sector in two mainland cities.
2: To create & provide an extensive springboard for the dual-brand “Designed by HK” and “Made by HK” to play into the domestic market by leveraging on the HK pavilions & the six-month show-room(s).
3: To encourage & facilitate the design industry in HK and HK’s manufacturing sector to cross-collaborate with the retail & manufacturing sectors & design industry in the domestic market.
2:利用分別位於深圳及成都的兩個香港展覽館及為期六個月的展廳作 為跳板,打造雙重品牌「香港設計」與「香港製造」,打入內地市場。
3:鼓勵及促進香港製造及設計行業與國內之製造、零售與設計行業進 行交流協作。