About the M2S Pavilion
With much research effort and hard work, the M2S Pavilion is the integrated platform to address the gap in expectations between the Hong Kong Industrial Design Professionals (HKIDP) and manufacturers diverging towards the two respective ends of scale customisation and mass production. The pavilion showcases the insights and findings of the research study and its associated thematic workshops involving up to 100 stakeholders. In view of the predominant emphasis paid to economic and financial development over industrial establishments in Hong Kong, knowledge and implications of scale customisation and Industry 4.0 technologies on manufacturing businesses are to be shared, with a distinct focus on the role of HKIDP facing the challenges and opportunities along the supply value chain. Registration for dissemination seminars and guided tours is opened now!
經過多月的研究和努力,量產客製化展覽館是一個綜合平台,為解決香港工業設計專業(HKIDP)與製造商在大量生 產和批量生產兩極化的預期差距而設。展覽館展示研究及 有關專題工作坊的見解與發現,當中涉及最多100個相關持 份者。鑑於香港對經濟及金融發展的重視程度遠超工業與 實業,展覽館會分享量產客制化與工業4.0技術為製造業帶 來的知識及影響,並聚焦香港工業設計專業於供應價值鏈 上所擔當的角色及其挑戰與機遇。現場將舉辦一系列推廣研討會及導賞團,歡迎報名參加!
Register Now 立即登記
Pavilion (Display Gallery) | 展館(展示廊)
Booth 展位 #3E-A20
Date 日期 | 6-8 December 2018
Opening Hours 開放時間 | 09:30 – 19:00 (Closes early at 17:00 on 8 December 2018 展覽將提前於2018年12月8日下午5時結束)
Venue 地點 | Hall 3DE, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔博覽道1號香港會議展覽中心展覽廳3DE
Language 語言 | Cantonese 粵語
Free Admission 費用全免
Register Now 立即登記
Guided Tours 導賞團
Daily guided tours are open to visitors for advanced booking. Professional tour guides on-site are ready to walk you through the journey of scale customisation and relevant industrial movements worldwide. Several companies with different degrees of scale customisation and Industry 4.0 technologies incorporated in their production processes are featured ,offering a more interactive visitor experience for better understanding of the whole project.
展覽館每日均設導賞團,開放予參觀者提前預約。屆時現場會有專業的導賞員準備就粹,隨時帶你完成這趟量產客 制化以及全球相關工業運動的旅程。是次展覽將焦點特別放在幾間在生產過程中以不同程度融入量產客制化與工業 4.0技術的公司,旨在提供更互動的訪客體驗,以便他們更全面理解整個項目。
Dissemination Seminars 推廣研討會 #1 Furniture Customisation and New Technologies 傢俱客制化與新技術
Date 日期 | 06.12.2018 (Thu 四)
Time 時間 | 12:00 – 12:45 (45 min 分鐘)
Speaker 講者 | Gary Lui 呂紹雄 – Founder & CEO, S&C Furniture Company Limited | 方圓傢俱有限公司創辦人兼行政總裁
Content 內容
– How is customisation incorporated into mass furniture production? 如何將客制化納入大量傢俱生產?
– What are furnitures for Hong Kong nano flats, and how are the design challenges addressed? 香港納米單位有哪些類型的傢俱,又如何解決設計上的挑戰?
– How to balance between contextual functioning and experiential luxury in designs? 如何平衡設計中的場合功能和奢華體驗?
– How do digital technologies accelerate the future of furniture customisation? 數碼科技如何加速客制化傢俱的未來?
Dissemination Seminars 推廣研討會 #2 The Missing Puzzle of Scale Customisation 量產客制化尚欠的關鍵拼圖
Date 日期 | 07.12.2018 (Fri 五)
Time 時間 | 12:00 – 12:45 (45 min 分鐘)
Speaker 講者 | Ball Cheung 張耀輝 – Design Manager, Team Green® | 綠團設計經理
Moderator 主持人 | Fai Leung 梁振輝 – Vice President, Industrial Designers Society of Hong Kong | 香港工業設計師協會副主席
Content 內容
– What are the successful drivers in the business transformation, from OEM to OBM? 業務從OEM轉型到OBM的成功驅動因素是什麼?
– How was diversification and customisation applied into design, both as strategies and products, by leveraging existing production capabilities? 如何利用現有的生產能力,將多樣化和客制化應用於策略及產品層面的設計上?
– What are the roles and values of industrial designers in evolving the business? 工業設計師在發展業務方面有何價值及擔當什麼角色?
Dissemination Seminars 推廣研討會 #3 The Ideal Industry 4.0 Factory 理想的「工業4.0」廠房
Date 日期 | 07.12.2018 (Fri 五)
Time 時間 | 14:00 – 14:45 (45 min 分鐘)
Speaker 講者 | Jennifer Tsui 徐詠琳 – Founder, The Darts Factory | 飛鏢工房創辦人
Content 內容
– What are the impacts of Industry 4.0 to manufacturing business? 工業4.0對製造業有何影響?
– How will business excels by merging new technologies with industrial management? 企業如果透過結合嶄新科技與工業管理突圍而出?
– What are the barriers, as industrial designers, in approaching the idealism? And how to overcome the challenges? 作為工業設計師,在追求理想主義時會遇到哪些障礙?又如何克服挑戰?
Dissemination Seminars 推廣研討會 #4 When Traditional Paper Art Meets Scale Customisation 當傳統紙藝遇上客制生產
Date 日期 | 08.12.2018 (Sat 六)
Time 時間 | 12:00 – 12:45 (45 min 分鐘)
Speaker 講者 | Joe Wong 黃文瀚 – Co-founder & Creative Director, Takon Product Development Ltd. | 德翰產品開發有限公司共同創辦人及創意總監
Moderator 主持人 | Frederico Li 李景丰 – Co-founder, TALK Research and Innovation Management Company | 拓途研究及創新管理公司共同創辦人
Content 內容
– What is traditional paper art and its transformative cultural journey? 什麼是傳統紙藝以及其變革性文化過程?
– What are the initial considerations and long-term planning for customisation in traditional paper art? 當初做傳統紙藝的客制化有何長遠考量及規劃?
– How did industrial design practices address the design and production challenges in reinventing traditional paper crafting? 工業設計企業如何在應對設計和生產挑戰同時重塑傳統紙藝?