Hong Kong D-Mark Presentation Ceremony 2021

香港D嘜認證頒發典禮 2021

The Design Council of Hong Kong (“DCHK”) under the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (“FHKI”) organised the “Hong Kong D-Mark Presentation Ceremony 2021” on 21 May to present “D-Mark” certificates to over 80 local enterprises. The Ceremony was officiated by Dr. Daniel Yip, Chairman of FHKI and Mr. Ken Fung, Chairman of DCHK, with Ms. Jersey Yuen, Assistant Head of Create Hong Kong as the Guest-of-Honour to commend "D-Mark" companies for integrating design and creative thinking to add value to their businesses. This year, certified enterprises spanned across multiple industries including product and interior design, jewellery, watches, glasses, food and beverage, household goods and printing etc.

Guest-of-Honour Ms. Jersey Yuen, Assistant Head of Create Hong Kong said, “As a unit dedicates to promoting the development of creative industries in Hong Kong, ‘Create Hong Kong’ has been working with the industry to promote design and creative thinking amongst the business community, academia and the public. The ‘D-Mark’ certification received by all enterprises today is the symbol of high-quality design. It does not only represent the excellence in their designs, but also affirms their contributions to the promotion of design and creative thinking in Hong Kong. The certification is instrumental in enhancing corporate image and attract more business opportunities for the enterprises.”

Mr. Ken Fung, Chairman of DCHK stated in the welcome remarks, “DCHK strives to promote commercialising design ideas by integrating them into manufacturing thereby adding value to the industries. To encourage enterprises to adopt design thinking, DCHK launched the ‘Hong Kong D-Mark Certification Scheme’ in 2015. To date, more than 100 enterprises have received D-Mark certification for their outstanding achievements in improving product design capabilities. Looking ahead, we envision more companies to join ’D-Mark’ and bolster the development of design industry in Hong Kong with us together.”

Dr. Daniel Yip, Chairman of FHKI said, “FHKI has all along been encouraging the local industrial community to adopt creativity and design to meet the consumers’ ever-growing pursuit in aesthetics and quality. Premium design is instrumental to enhance brand propositions and competitiveness, therefore taking Hong Kong brands to an even higher level. As manufacturing and design are intrinsic twins to each other, we are pleased to see ‘D-Mark’ enterprises injecting design and brand management elements in their production process, demonstrating the value of ’producer services’ to manufacturing through seamless integration. FHKI looks forward to having more young graduates to join the design industry, unleashing their creativity and innovative ideas to transform the industry.”

The event also featured a sharing session hosted by Mr. Charles Ng, Deputy Chairman of DCHK, where Mr. Conrad Chung, Vice President of Starlite Visual Communication Limited and Ms. Priscilla Hui, Co-Founder and CEO of Prister Corp Limited shared their experiences on how to flexibly integrate creative design into manufacturing of customised products and providing services that cater to the market need. Besides, several enterprises showcased their “D-Mark”- certified products, including German Pool, Arredamenti and Lee Kum Kee to the guests of the Ceremony.

香港工業總會(「工總」)轄下的香港設計委員會於5 月 21 日舉辦了「香港 D 嘜認證頒發典禮 2021」,向超過 80 間香港企業頒發「D 嘜」(D-Mark)認證。典禮由工總主席葉中賢博士和香港設計委員會主席馮建輝先生主持,並邀得創意香港助理總監袁賽芳女士擔任主禮嘉賓,表揚一眾「D 嘜」企業善用設計及創意思維,為業務持續增值。今年獲頒發認證的企業來自多個不同行業,包括產品及室內設計、珠寶、鐘錶、眼鏡、餐飲、家品及印刷等。

主禮嘉賓創意香港助理總監袁賽芳女士致辭時說:「『創意香港』作為專責推動香港創意產業發展的單位,多年來一直與業界攜手,向商界、學界,以至社會大眾,推廣設計及創意思維。在座各位工商界朋友榮獲『D 嘜』認證,如同貼上一個重視優質設計的標誌,不單代表著它們在設計方面的卓越成就,同時也肯定了它們對推動香港設計及創意思維所作出的貢獻,有助他們提升企業形象,帶來更多商機。」

香港設計委員會主席馮建輝先生致歡迎辭時表示:「本會一直致力推廣將設計融入製造業,務求企業把設計商品化,從而帶動工業升級,發展高增值產業。為鼓勵企業發揮設計思維,我們於 2015年推出香港『D 嘜』設計認證計劃,至今累計百間企業獲得認證,反映更多企業的設計水平大幅提升。展望未來,本會期望更多企業加入『D 嘜』這個大家庭,把香港的設計工業發揚光大。」

工總主席葉中賢博士致辭時表示:「一直以來,工總鼓勵及推動香港工商業界善用創意、設計,滿足消費者越來越高的品味要求,提升企業品牌價値及競爭力,促使『香港品牌』產品更上一層樓。工業與設計環環相扣,工總喜見更多『D 嘜』企業在產品製作過程中融入設計及品牌管理元素,展現『生產性服務業』對製造業的價值。工總期望更多年輕人畢業後能投身設計行業,發揮無窮創意,與工業界一起共同創新。」

同日亦設有企業分享環節「工業二代雙對論」,由香港設計委員會副主席吳秋全先生主持,與星光視覺媒體有限公司副總裁鍾志雄先生和普斯特有限公司Tublock品牌代理人許佩珊女士,討論如何發揮創意和靈活運用精巧設計,製造更切合客人要求的產品,以及提供迎合巿場需要的服務。此外,多間企業於現場展出其「D 嘜」認證產品,包括德國寶、歐達傢俱及李錦記等公司,吸引在場人士參觀。

FHKI Chairman Dr. Daniel Yip (left), DCHK Chairman Mr. Ken Fung (right) and Create Hong Kong Assistant Head Ms. Jersey Yuen (centre) officiated the “Hong Kong D-Mark Presentation Ceremony 2021”.
工總主席葉中賢博士(左)、香港設計委員會主席馮建輝先生(右)及創意香港助理總監袁賽芳女士(中)一同主持「香港D嘜認證頒發典禮 2021」。


Mr. Conrad Chung of Starlite Visual Communication Limited (left) and Ms. Priscilla Hui of Prister Corp Limited (right) shared experiences on how to unleash creativity in manufacturing products to meet market needs.


“D-Mark” enterprises showcased their certified products alongside the Ceremony.


Group photo of officiating guests and some of the “D-Mark” certified enterprises.