「DesignXcel」Exhibition - DesignInspire 2018

《設計列陣》展覽 - DesignInspire 2018


New designers are finding success through collaboration. Debuting last year, the Design Council of Hong Kong, Federation of Hong Kong Industries (DCHK, FHKI) has proposed the platform to highlight the capability of Hong Kong young creatives, through a line-up of sophisticated collaborations between design freshmasonries and the industrialists.  With the goal to act as the perpetual intermediate platform to link industrial sectors with design freshmasonries,「DesignXcel」showcased the fruitful collaborative results at DesignInspire 2018 (6-8 December), including various design-related activities namely the  workshops, seminars and guided tours.

「合作」說起來簡單,但就真的能為設計師與業界帶來新的機會?香港工業總會和其轄下之香港設計委員會(DCHK, FHKI)去年首次推出《設計列陣》,展示香港青年設計人才的創意能力,並促進設計新鮮人與工業企業家於經濟層面攜手合作。《設計列陣》作為將工業與新晉設計師聯繫起來的中介平台,今年在DesignInspire 2018 (12月6至8日)一連三天展示了精彩的合作成果,包括研討會、工作坊和導賞團細說著香港設計如何為企業增值的協作故事。