
「DesignXcel」is the first ever joint-school design exhibition in Hong Kong organised by the Design Council of Hong Kong, Federation of Hong Kong Industries. It is a yearlong project to foster collaboration opportunities between design graduates and leading entrepreneurs through innovation.


The title「DesignXcel」places its emphasis on the “X” within, referring to the crossover process to excel in design. The beauty of design lies in its encompassing nature: it does not only complement everything in life, but also penetrate into all walks of life. Moreover, the design collaboration corporations the opportunity to move up the “ladder of excellence”: where the two E’s meet is where a powerful array of design graduates and industrial leaders forms an alliance against established borders and business challenges. The pair of enclosing quotation marks embraces expressions of design, encouraging 「DesignXcel」 collaborators to make a statement of their bold ideas and works.


Among the 16 partnering design schools in Hong Kong, 250 out of about 4,000 full-time design graduates of 2017 will be selected by「DesignXcel」 to work with close to 50 companies of different industries. Spanning the five categories of Graphics, Advertising & Visual Communication, Product & Industrial, Fashion & Image, Digital & Interactive, Architecture, Interior, Spatial & Environmental designs, 「DesignXcel」 will showcase the collaboration stories and fruits of the fresh graduates and entrepreneurs.







Organiser | 主辦單位

Major Sponsor | 主要贊助

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, ndings,
conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organizers only and do not reect the views
of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Communications and Creative Industries Branch of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau,
Create Hong Kong, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.


Sponsors | 贊助


Partners (Design)  | 合作伙伴 (設計)


Partners (Industries)  | 合作伙伴 (業界)


Partners (Media)  l 合作夥伴 (媒體)


Supporting Organisations  l  支持機構

Please follow us! 請追蹤我們!

For further details regarding DesignXcel, please email: hello@fhki.org.hk

如欲進一步查詢設計列陣,請瀏覽 hello@fhki.org.hk