2018 Round-up | Work/Life Balance: As Frantic As Festive
2018 總結 | 瘋狂地工作 生活如過節
A Full Stop is but the Enticing Beginning of Ellipsis
With the festive 2018 drawing its curtains, the loads of 50th Anniversary Celebration events for the Design Council of Hong Kong, Federation of Hong Kong Industries (DCHK, FHKI) have also come to a full closure. This year, the Council set up the unprecedented “D-Awards” to recognise and promote prolonged design excellence, successful design practices and strategies in different aspects of industrial performance.
Together with the well-received awards presentation ceremony cum gala dinner and “D-exhibition” showcasing the most representative products of D-awards winners, as well as the “dà TALK” that gathered insights from prestigious Greater Bay Area design gurus at the Business of Design Week (BoDW), “Designing a Better Tomorrow” is much more than just booktalking on DCHK’s contributions to the design and manufacturing development for half a century, but more essentially, what comes after.
The DCHK Project Team would like to take this greeting to express our most heartfelt thanks to you for everything in the past year, and we wish y’all a fruitful year of 2019!
連同廣獲好評的「D-Awards」頒獎典禮暨周年晚宴與「D-exhibition」去展覽各得獎實業最具代表性的產品,再加上設計營商周(BoDW)期間的「大言其道」(dà TALK)研討會,邀來大灣區重量級設計領袖聚首分享見解 ,《用設計 構未來》不僅僅是紙上談兵,紀錄半個世紀以來委員會對設計及製造業界發展的貢獻,更重要的是如何應對下一個五十年。
“Designing a Better Tomorrow” eBook |《用設計 構未來》電子書
「DesignXcel 」| Collaboration Mode Old and New
New designers are finding success through collaboration. Debuting last year, the Design Council of Hong Kong, Federation of Hong Kong Industries (DCHK, FHKI) has proposed the platform to highlight the capability of Hong Kong young creatives, through a line-up of sophisticated collaborations between design freshmasonries and the industrialists. With the goal to act as the perpetual intermediate platform to link industrial sectors with design freshmasonries,「DesignXcel」showcased the fruitful collaborative results at DesignInspire 2018 (6-8 December), including various design-related activities namely the workshops, seminars and guided tours.
Following the three-day exhibition at DesignInspire 2018 in Hong Kong, DCHK will carry forward with the mini-exhibition in the Greater Bay Area, together with a publication to storytell the beauties of collaboration. DCHK as a professional platform wishes to take it further in the coming year and offer agency and space for the emerging local young design talents and the industrial entrepreneurs to leverage opportunities.
《設計列陣》 | 新舊交替的合作模式
「合作」說起來簡單,但就真的能為設計師與業界帶來新的機會?香港工業總會和其轄下之香港設計委員會(DCHK, FHKI)去年首次推出《設計列陣》,展示香港青年設計人才的創意能力,並促進設計新鮮人與工業企業家於經濟層面攜手合作。《設計列陣》作為將工業與新晉設計師聯繫起來的中介平台,今年在DesignInspire 2018 (12月6至8日)一連三天展示了精彩的合作成果,包括研討會、工作坊和導賞團細說著香港設計如何為企業增值的協作故事。
其協作成果除了在 DesignInspire 2018 展出外,亦有小型展覽於大灣區展出,最後更會將合作成果輯錄成書。《設計列陣》以專業的中介平台為本,緊密聯繫工業界和新晉設計師共創發展項目,期望於新一年再次為大家展示香港設計理念和創新領域的相互支援,為新晉設計師和企業公司長遠發展提供機遇。
A Taste of Our Exhibition | 嚐一口展覽
A Glimpse of the Directory | 翻一下目錄
Design Strategy | The Road Forward for HK SMEs To Date and To Come
“The Roadmap of Design Strategy for Hong Kong manufacturing SMEs (RDS)” full-day dissemination conference during the Designinspire 2018 (7 December) was part of the project’s way to disseminate the research findings. Representatives of 6 successful corporate cases shared how the use of design boosts growth in businesses in the wider economy. As the role models of the Hong Kong manufacturing SMEs.
Entering the new year, in order to gather and analyse design strategies of different Hong Kong brands, the RDS research team will continue to interview more corporates / manufacturers. Eventually the findings and insights of the research study will be published and shared with the target audience at the launching ceremony together with the tool kit.
設計策略 | 為香港中小企承先啟後鋪路
「香港製造業中小企設計策略之路」於 Designinspire 2018 (12月7日) 期間舉辦了全日的推廣研討會,當中有研究團隊分享至今的研究見解與發現, 6 個成功企業案例的代表亦分享如何運用設計策略於經濟大環境下促進業務增長,並達到了不可預期的預期,為香港製造業中小企業作榜樣。
RDS 研究團隊為了收集和分析不同香港品牌的設計策略,於新一年會繼續與不同的企業 / 製造業進行訪問。最終50個成功案例的研究精華將會輯錄成指南和工具箱,並於2019年中舉行指南發布會與目標觀眾分享。
A Taste of Our Conference | 嚐一口硏討會
A Few Words from Speakers | 聽講者幾句
Part 1 第一部分 | Part 2 第二部分
Part 3 第三部分 | Part 4 第四部分
M2S | Re: solutions of 2019 - Smart Manufacturing
With much research effort and hard work from last year, the M2S Pavilion provided the integrated platform to address the gap in expectations between the Hong Kong Industrial Design Professionals (HKIDP) and manufacturers diverging towards the two respective ends of scale customisation and mass production. The pavilion showcased the insights and findings of the research study and its associated thematic workshops so far involving up to 100 stakeholders.
In view of the predominant emphasis paid to economic and financial development over industrial establishments in Hong Kong, knowledge and implications of scale customisation and Industry 4.0 technologies on manufacturing businesses were shared at the pavilion, with a distinct focus on the role of HKIDP facing the challenges and opportunities with regard to smart manufacturing. Entering the year of 2019, the M2S team will gather highlights of the project research to form a 3-minute video and an e-guidebook to share with industry like-minded friends.
量產客制化 | 回覆:2019 解決方案 - 智能製造
A Taste of Our Pavilion | 嚐一口展覽
A Few Words from Speakers | 聽講者幾句
Seminar 硏討會 1 | Seminar 硏討會 2
Seminar 硏討會 3 | Seminar 硏討會 4