D-notes | Jun Issue 六月號

A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream

The midsummer breeze gently flipped the corner of the calendar page, June has arrived in the blink of an eye. Surrounded by the droning shrill of cicadas, the world starts to get heat up. About four hundred years ago, the great Shakespeare’s literary thoughts were frequently raging like the rainwater of early summer. A rhapsody of tribute to love - “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” was thus born, depicting the love stories of three pairs of lovers in a light and fanatic style.

However, the summer belongs not only to the divine and lovers, it is also the time when people’s pursuits of dreams harvest results. Each of the projects listed below has had its own time of preparation, which is many times longer than a dream in the night. Our hope is simple: that you have appreciated the accomplishments of our events, feeling like you have enjoyed this dream of a hearty and satisfactory midsummer night!




港深蓉 | 三地創意匠人與產業對話圓滿結束



深圳站  成都站

「DesignXcel」2018 Publication is freshly OUT!

The 「DesignXcel」2018 will faithfully extend the collaborative brand spirit from 2017. Design Council of Hong Kong, established by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, had carried forward the programme comprising an exhibition at DesignInspire 2018 in Hong Kong, two mini-exhibitions in Guangzhou and Macau, a digital directory to list the design freshmasonry, and a publication to storytelling the beauties of collaboration. 「DesignXcel」 sets out to act as the perpetual intermediate platform to link the industrial sectors with emerging designers for co-creation projects. It takes further to highlight the capability of Hong Kong to line up sophisticated collaborations between design talents, and the industrial entrepreneurs on the economic level. The partnership will provide practical mutual support for the partners in the areas of industry expertise, technical advice, material supply, design concepts and innovations, offering a space for designers and companies to take opportunities.

「DesignXcel」2018 has drawn its full curtains! During the exhibition, about 250 collaborative exhibits were open to public viewing, we thank you all once again for your effort and support paid to the exhibition! For those friends who have missed our exhibitions in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, no more regrets! You can now make it up with our freshly published「DesignXcel」2018, where all design works and collaborative stories are included inside!

「DesignXcel」2018 e-publication will publish on Design Council of Hong Kong website by July 2019. Please click on the corresponding hyperlinks below for access: https://designcouncilhk.org/flip-book/

Should you have questions or wish to place an order for the publication, please send us an email (hello.dchkprojects@fhki.org.hk).

Thank you for your support!

Yours sincerely,
Project Team 「DesignXcel」2018


香港工業總會成立的香港設計委員會將延續2017年「聯校設計展」的協作品牌精神舉辦《設計列陣》2018。其協作成果除了在 DesignInspire 2018 與大灣區(廣州及澳門)展出以外,連同2018年新晉設計師的電子目錄不僅在網上平台發佈,並且輯錄成書。《設計列陣》以專業的中介平台為本,緊密聯繫工業界和新晉設計師共創發展項目,展示香港設計人才和企業家協作間的綜合水平,足以促進經濟發展和提升效益。協作範疇不僅是專業知識、技術諮詢、材料供應,也涵蓋了設計理念和創新領域的相互支援,為新晉設計師和企業公司的長遠發展提供機遇。


《設計列陣》2018 目錄電子版將於 7 月刊登於香港設計委員會網頁。請點擊以下相應的超鏈接瀏覽成果:https://designcouncilhk.org/flip-book/




Summer is a Book of Hope to be Uncovered

Back when we were students, summer was the spirit of no school and wrapping up the academic term for vacation. As the spring days are gone, we are pleased to announce the official completion and fruitful results of the project “From Mass Production to Scale Customisation: Challenges and Opportunities for Hong Kong Industrial Design Professionals” (M2S).

Comparable to the possibilities, adventure and exploration that summer signifies, the M2S researchers have incessantly worked on synthesising and analysing insights of the 70 interviewed manufacturing and design professionals in the past few months. The results are a comprehensive e-guidebook featuring representative scale customisation cases and the way to go. The e-guidebook also comes in an online text-version research report, together with a 3-minute video that highlights the major workshops and exhibition events of the project.

We are most happy to share with all of you, contributors and fellow supporters of the project, the fruits of the project and research. Please click on the corresponding hyperlinks below for access:

M2S e-guidebook 
M2S Research Report (text version)
M2S 3-minute Highlight Video

Once again, we would like to express our thanks to all who have participated in and supported the project. Without you, the project would not have been such a great success! 

M2S Project Team





