Mr. Eric C Yim
Design Council of Hong Kong
Chairman Notes
The Design Council of Hong Kong is committed to make better use of different platforms to enhance communication with the industry and the public for the purpose of promoting and expanding the role of design in Hong Kong. We are pleased to launch a new website to share with you our mission and give updates on our work.
To further enhance Hong Kong design standard and promote local design, the Design Council of Hong Kong has been organizing different activities through four main themes: Promote, Inspire, Network and Encourage.
Promote – In recent years, one of the focal points of the Council has been to further promote the Hong Kong D-Mark Certification Scheme (D-Mark). D-Mark is a design mark officially launched by the Council in 2014 to recognize Hong Kong companies that have demonstrated their commitment to design through various means. More than 60 companies have successfully been certified under D-Mark. D-Mark has attracted good media coverage, such as Capital Weekly, Metro Radio and Perspective magazine which have reported on D-Mark or interviewed D-Mark holders. To step up the promotion of D-Mark overseas, the Council participated in the HKTDC’s In-Style Hong Kong in Jakarta, Indonesia in July 2015 to showcase D-Mark holders’ achievements in design. The Council also produced a video to feature award-winning companies in Hong Kong and their design thinking in 2015. The video was subsequently aired on various online TV channels in China in August 2015 and had received critical acclaim. In addition, the Council revamped its corporate logo with a new design and attractive look in October 2015. The new logo is more contemporary and vibrant, and is able to represent the Council in its advocacy of the value of design.
Inspire – The Council organizes a rich diversity of programmes with a view to inspiring members to experience new design thinking and practices. In September 2015, the Council organized visits to the stylish “Tribute Hotel” located in Yau Ma Tai and the Artop Group and Qianhai’s Maker Space (a newly established design hub) in Shenzhen. Members also paid a visit to the “Energizing Kowloon East Project” in January 2016. A seminar on “Augmented Realty (AR) – The Future of Business Enhancement” was held in January 2016. In addition, members visited Hong Kong Polytechnic University in April 2016 for an introduction and demonstration of the usage of i.Dummy.
Network – The Council received a number of guests from abroad, such as Mr. Shen Yu from China Industrial Design Museum in April 2015; Mr. Lorenzo Ruggieri, an Italian designer based in Milan in June 2015; an Anhui Design Delegation in September 2015.As a strategic partner of the Global Design Network during the BODW 2015, the Council seized the opportunity to forge closer ties with designers all around the world.
Encourage –The Hong Kong Awards for Industries (HKAI) was officially launched in 2005 by merging the former HKIA and Hong Kong Awards for Services, established in 1989 and 1997 respectively. HKAI comprises 7 categories. To reflect the prestige of the Awards Scheme, only one Grand Award is presented to the most outstanding entry in each category each year. Hong Kong Awards for Industries – Consumer Product Design category organized annually by the Council to encourage higher standards of excellence in design is considered to be the most prestigious product design competition in Hong Kong.
In 2015 HKAI, a total of 87 entries on the Consumer Product Design category were received and all showed high standards of product design and innovation. The Preliminary and Final Judging Panels included different industrial experts from design, industries, testing, etc. This year’s Chairman of the Final Judging Panel was Professor Joseph J Y Sung, the Vice-Chancellor and President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 14 December 2015.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who support local design. Let us all join hands and contribute to the sustainable development of design in Hong Kong.
Mr. Eric C Yim, JP
Chairman of Design Council of Hong Kong
推廣―近年,委員會其中一項重要使命乃進一步推廣《香港 D 嘜認證計劃》。為了肯定及表揚那些致力提升設計水平和善用設計的企業,委員會於2014年正式推行《D 嘜》。迄今,已有逾60間企業成功獲得《D 嘜》。《D 嘜》獲得媒體廣泛報道,資本壹周、新城財經台、透視雜誌等媒體均曾報道《D 嘜》或訪問《D 嘜》公司。為了加強《D 嘜》的海外推廣工作,委員會於2015年7月份參與了香港貿易發展局在印尼雅加達舉行的「時尚潮流.魅力香港」活動,展示《D 嘜》公司的設計成就。委員會更在年初製作影片,回顧香港獲獎公司的成功之道及其設計思維。影片於2015年8月於內地多個網上電影頻道上播放,備受注目。此外,委員會於2015年10月重新設計標誌,新標誌更具時代感、吸引力和活力,充分展示本會提升設計價值的倡導角色。
啟發―委員會舉辦了多項活動,啟發會員的設計思維和提升他們的實踐能力。委員會於2015年9月組織會員參觀由舊式寫字樓改建的油麻地Tribute酒店,以及位於深圳的浪尖集團和前海深港合作創客空間。委員會亦於2016年1月份舉辦「起動九龍東」參觀活動及「Augmented Realty 科技―未來業務擴展的好幫手」研討會。此外,會員獲安排於2016年4月出席香港理工大學i.Dummy (智能試身模特兒) 的介紹及示範活動。
連絡―委員會接待了來自內地和海外的多個團體,包括2015年4月中國工業設計博物館沈榆先生、2015年6月意大利設計師Mr. Lorenzo Ruggieri和2015年9月安徽省工業設計代表團。作為在2015設計營商周期間舉行的「Global Design Network」之策略夥伴,委員會善用機會與來自世界各地的設計師建立更緊密關係。