Hong Kong D-Mark Presentation Ceremony, 9 Jan 2017
(2017年1月9日, 香港D嘜設計認證准用證頒發典禮)
Hong Kong D-Mark Presentation Ceremony
The D-Mark Presentation Ceremony was successfully held at the Regal Hong Kong Hotel on January 9, 2017. The Design Council of Hong Kong was honored to have invited the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Mr Gregory So to be our Guest of Honor to officiate at the ceremony. Other officiating guests include the Chairman of the Design Council of Hong Kong Prof. Eric Yim, the Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI) Prof Daniel Cheng, Deputy Chairman of FHKI Mr Jimmy Kwok and Deputy Chairman of FHKI Dr Daniel Yip. Mr Gregory So and Prof Eric Yim presented certificates to 45 D-Mark holders from various industries such as toys, jewelry, watches, interior design, to recognize their outstanding contributions in promoting Hong Kong quality design.
由香港工業總會轄下的香港設計委員會推出之「香港D嘜設計認證」 (D-Mark) 於2017年1月9日假富豪香港酒店舉行准用證頒發典禮,感謝各主禮嘉賓為「香港D嘜准用證頒發典禮」進行啟動儀式,嘉賓包括:商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑先生、香港設計委員會主席及工總副主席嚴志明教授、工總主席鄭文聰教授、工總副主席郭振華、及工總副主席葉中賢博士。蘇錦樑局長、嚴志明主席頒發「香港D嘜設計認證」予45間來自不同行業的企業,其中行業包括玩具、珠寶、鐘錶、室內設計等,以表揚各企業在設計上的努力,共同推動設計工業,把香港的設計發揚光大。