DESIGN & INNOVATION – from Branding Conception to Marketing Promotion, 29 March 2017
2017年3月29日, 設計和創新 – 從品牌打造到市場推廣
設計和創新 – 從品牌打造到市場推廣
香港工業總會轄下之香港設計委員會於3月29日舉行「設計與創新–從品牌打造到市場推廣」研討會,通過香港工業總會百分百香港原創新品牌 – MOZACCO為實例,探討如何利用設計、創意、跨界聯乘合作為品牌增值,以及如何利用數碼營銷和社交媒體擴闊客戶群。香港設計委員會主席暨香港工業總會副主席嚴志明教授為研討會致開幕詞,委員會亦邀請到MOZACCO項目團隊其中成員分享他們的寶貴經驗,嘉賓包括MCL品牌策劃設計顧問公司首席品牌顧問吳秋全; InnoSphere 創辦人楊兆航; InnoSphere 創辦人郭浩賢; 雅視光學有限公司主席助理經理李志文; eMotionLab創辦人Mandy Tsang; THEM CEO Bonnie Lam及CCO Alick Chan。
DESIGN & INNOVATION – from Branding Conception to Marketing Promotion
The Design Council of Hong Kong organized a seminar on “Design and Innovation – from Branding Conception to Marketing Promotion” on 29 March 2017. Through the case study of MOZACCO, a cross sectoral co-created brand by FHKI, the speakers shared their experience on brand development through design, innovation and industry collaborations. They further demonstrated how to use digital marketing to reach target segments. The Chairman of DCHK cum Deputy Chairman of FHKI Prof. Eric Yim kicked off the seminar by giving the welcoming speech. Speakers include Mr. Charles Ng, Chief Brand Consultant of Maxi Communciations; Mr. Steve Yeung, Co-founder of InnoSphere; Mr. Maurice Kwok, Co-founder of InnoSphere; Mr. Vincent Lee, Assistant Manager to Chairman of ArtsOptical; Ms. Mandy Tsang, Director of eMotionLab; Ms. Bonnie Lam, CEO of THEM and Mr. Alick Chan, CCO of THEM.