When the Starting Whistle Resounds through the Skies
What kind of mood do the runners have right before the start of the race? In the following months of July and August, a series of publicity warm-up and prep work will be carried out incessantly to engage the public in bearing witness to our fruitful achievements in September. We are the runners who practice tirelessly, eventually arriving at the very moment preceding the race begins - the sharpened sword has been waiting long enough to be finally drawn.
When the starting whistle resounds through the skies, with the perturbed undercurrents of dream-catching, the long-awaited runners, knees bent and set, hold their slightly feverish heads high up, speeding straight towards the finish line in sun-plated gold. As we unanimously pace towards the future with confidence and hope, the joy of silver lining brought by the September fruits of all events can already be felt.
深X港 | 原創設計 和而不同
香港工業總會和其轄下之香港設計委員會(DCHK, FHKI)主辦的「香港雙品牌推廣計劃」,透過於深圳舉行一連五場不同主題的研討會及商務交流會,認識了不少合作伙伴,DCHK並充當深港兩地的橋樑紐帶,為兩地之制造,零售及設計業界提供了非常重要的交流渠道,促成多方面的合作。