D-notes | Aug Issue 八月號

To the students, the summer vacation always seems to be especially short. The blank cells on the August calendar have almost all been cross-marked, soon it will be time to get the school bags ready and go back to school under the morning sun. We have the strong belief that when the upcoming September arrives, it will also be the same time when we advance toward the finish line step by step. In the year that passed, the two projects “Hong Kong Dual-Brand Promotion Programme” and the “The Roadmap of Design Strategy for Manufacturing SMEs” were initiated one after another. The former focuses on bridging between the Hong Kong and mainland China markets; whereas the latter is dedicated to helping manufacturing SMEs to enhance their competitive advantages through the use of design strategy. When the entire runway has almost been energetically stepped on, the time when efforts are paid and fruits are enjoyed is near. For all of you who have always been attentive and supportive to us, you are invited to share our joy and harvest at the “Hong Kong Dual-Brand Promotion Programme” Sharing Session, to take place in September, followed by the Book Launch of the “The Roadmap of Design Strategy for Manufacturing SMEs” in December.

Everyone, please be seated and prepared. This is the ceremony to reward those who have been struggling silently. Look forward, you will see that under the spotlight there is glitter and glamour.



The book aims to sketch a design strategy for Hong Kong manufacturing SMEs. The stakeholders would benefit from the case studies of manufacturing SMEs and a series of easily practicable tools for application.


The book will be launched in December 2019 (tentative) at Joint Publishing HK. For interested parties, please register now by scanning the QR code below. You will regularly receive the latest news and updates from us. A limited number of copies will be available as free gifts to the guests who join the book launch. First come, first served.


深蓉港三地合作 先睹為快!

獲得香港特別行政區政府「發展品牌、升級轉型及拓展內銷市場的專項基金」(BUD專項基金)之「機構支援計劃」的資助,香港工業總會和其轄下香港設計委員會在過去十五個月內推動一項簡稱「香港雙品牌推廣計劃」的項目。香港「設計 x 製造」透過成都創意設計週2018首次亮相,並在深蓉兩地分別設立六個月的產品陳列室內舉辦的研討會和商務交流,促進香港「設計 x 製造」行業與內地設計、製造和零售界之交流和合作。


請掃描 QR code 登記留座!