FHKI Crossover Co-create Brand – MOZACCO launching ceremony, 10 Feb 2017
(2017年2月10日, 工總跨界聯乘共創項目 — MOZACCO 啟動典禮)
FHKI Crossover Co-create Brand – MOZACCO launching ceremony, 10 Feb 2017
A new cross-sectoral co-create brand – MOZACCO was launched on 10 Feb 2017, a project collaborated by local designers, industrialists and athletes. Chairman of Design Council of Hong Kong (DCHK) cum Deputy Chairman of FHKI Prof Yim is the Project Chairman, said “The brand name MOZACCO derives from mosaic, an assemblage of many small pieces of patterns to create an exquisite art. MOZACCO symbolises how cross-sectoral co-operations can bring forward boundless possibilities for fruitful co-creations.” Apart from Prof. Eric Yim, the Chairman of FHKI Prof. Daniel Cheng and other FHKI leadership, the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Mr. Gregory So, Executive Council Member Mr. Bernard Charnwut Chan, and Home Affairs Bureau Commissioner for Sports Mr. Yeung Tak-keung also attended the launch event to show their support to the crossover co-create series.
2017年2月10日, 工總跨界聯乘共創項目 — MOZACCO 啟動典禮
由本地設計、工業和運動三個界別攜手打造的百分百香港原創新品牌 — MOZACCO於2017年2月10日舉行啟動典禮。香港設計委員會主席兼工總副主席嚴志明教授是該聯乘共創項目主席:「MOZACCO品牌原意為馬賽克(Mosaic),靈感源自馬賽克的精湛藝術。一塊塊獨特優美的馬賽克圖案紋樣組合拼湊起來,構成色彩繽紛、完整的美麗圖畫,象徵香港跨界聯乘合作及共同創造,能產出無盡姿彩、無限可能。」除嚴志明教授,工總主席鄭文聰教授和其他領導,商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑、行政會議成員陳智思及體育專員楊德強亦出席支持這個跨界聯乘共創項目 (crossover co-created series) 的首個系列。